You Gotta Love It: Microbreweries for the Environment.


We have begun to accept applications for beneficiaries for the 23rd Annual Microbreweries for the Environment (MBE), taking place April 22nd, 2016. Two and up to four groups are scheduled to receive $2,000. Details about being a beneficiary are in the application link below. Hosted by the Boulder Theatre, the event description will be updated here as brews, bands, and beneficiaries are confirmed.

The due date is February 4th at five pm.The MBE Committee will review applications that week, and decisions made by the 7th.


Please do not hesitate to contact us with any questions. We encourage you to please share this with fledgling organizations and friends who are well networked.


SarahDawn Haynes on behalf of the

2016 MBE Committee

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